Cat that corrected our dog Skippy

by Linda
(West Virginia)

Our cat Teeter thought our new puppy Skippy was her baby too. After I went to bed she would lick her and do motherly behavior. They are still close as animals can be. Our Jack Russell Skippy is now 3 years old and she was being overly possessive of a wool cap which she was not allowed to have. When my husband was taking it from her our dog growled at him. This so upset our cat that she jumped up and bit the dog 3 times. Why did she do this? I thought it was adorable. The dog was so taken aback she straightened out immediately. Just wondering.

Answer by Kate
This could be something called aggression trauma. This happen when the cat is scared by something suddenly and they react by attacking. In this case the dog growling at the master might have upset her that she became frieghtenbed and bit the dog as in her eyes the fear was caused by the dog.

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