cat throwing up orange fluid

by bdfhjgnfdjkhgd

my cat ate 4 pony tails n threw it up yesterday ever since he has been throwin up orange fluid

what shud i do

Not sure what you mean by pony tails. If you mean hair then she may have furballs which can irritate the throat due to wrenching etc and this can cause scratches in the throat and mouth. Orange fluid is a sign that blood is in the mucus.

It is difficult for me to say how severe this is. She may throw up the whatever it was she ate and be fine or she may need help in which case you need to take her to see a vet as soon as you can.

you are best placed to ascertain the severity of your cats condition. If she continues to throw up orange liquid and nothing else then yes take her to a see a vet.

Hope she is Ok again soon


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