by Mikki
(Bronx, NY)
My 1-1/2 year old, male cat has been urinating in his sleep. I first noticed this shortly after he was "fixed". He was laying on his back as usual, and just sqirting a little. I thought is had stopped, but lately I noticed small spots on my couch cushions. I accused my son of being careless and spilling liquids on the couch, which he denied. Tonight, my cat was lying on my lap sleeping and I felt him urinating. He was most definitely asleep. He didn't even wake when I turned him over. His penis was out and he was still squirting urine. He is a very clean cat. His cat litter is kept very clean. He doesn't appear to having any problems eating, or being in pain. He's still as active as ever. Could the neutering have caused this problem? He was almost a year when it was done.
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