Cat walking funny

by Justin

My kitten Mr. Mimsy is six months old. He was nuetered a couple weeks ago. Just the last few days he has been not moving around as much, mostly sleeping. He wont jump onto anything, and walks as though his hips hurt, and it takes him a little time to stand up from a laying position.I can't tell if his legs hurt or maybe something from the neutering surgery. If it doesnt get any better i'm going to take him to our vet. Any answer about this?

Thank you,


Hi Justin, yes I think you're right in thinking about taking him to a see the vet, it does sound like there may be something going on with his leg, it may or may not be associated with the surgery. Kittens can twist or land awkwardly which can cause leg injuries so it may be something like that. But it is always better to be safe than sorry just in case the surgery has caused an infection.

I hope he is better soon

best wishes Kate

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