Cat with skin allergy

by swaneasi2

after having tried everything else, my cat has been having Steroid injections for the last 8 years for a skin allergy. She is now 10 years old and having them every few weeks, as she is becoming resistent to them. I'm really worried about this as I am 73 years old now and I dont know how much longer I can keep taking her to the vets, as it is very stressful for both her and me, and I cant manage the way I used to. She is also over weight which makes it worse as I have to use public transport. I'm at my wits end can you help me at all.

Yours sincerely Margaret King

Answer by Kate
hello Margaret, well i am not sure what you are asking me really. I am assuming that you are looking for some other treatment for the skin allergy. Unfortunately i am not a vet and i also don't know the background of your cats condition. Does the vet know what is causing the allergy? have they done some allergy tests? That way you may be able to eliminate the cause of the skin allergy. If your cat wears a flea collar it may be a good idea to remove it and just treat for fleas using the once a month drops.
Margaret have you spoken to your local animal charities in your area, sometimes they have aservice for elderly pet owners for transporting pets to the vets etc. if you live in the Uk try the Blue Cross as i know they have a mobile vet service in some areas.

I wish i could be of more help but if you do try the animal charities they may be able to advise further. I wish you all the best.

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