cat wont eat after having the house painted

by Sylvia
(corpus christi, tx. USA)

i've had this cat for about a year and a half now. About three days ago, i started having my house painted. The noise scared my cat and she hides under the couch or under the bed and won't come out. when i coax her out she refuses to eat her food. she cries like she's hungry but i've tried four different types of food and she won't eat it. She starts scratching around the floor like she's trying to cover up the food, like she would when uses the litter box? Why won't she eat?

Answer by KAte
this is not unusual behavior for a ct who feels scared and anxious.

Cats don't like change and different smells so having the house painted could be very upsetting for your cat.

i would suggest allowing her to hide for as long as she wants. if you try to force her out this will only make her anxiety worse.

Place food nearby and fresh water and give her some time and space. once the smell of the paint subsides and she has had time to calm down she should be fine again.

Sometimes cats just need their own space and time to get over things in their own way.

best wishes Kate

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