cats aggressive towards each other

by maria
(lemont Illinois)

one cat has 10 stitches because of an injury. The other cat is now hissing and growling at her. They are sisters and always got along. what should I do?

Answer by Kate
this is known as aggression truama is often caused when something bad has happened that upsets a cat or if something changes ie a smell or a visial. It sounds like your cat is upset because your other cat may smell different due to the fact that they have bben at the vets etc.
It is quite a normal response and should subside with time as the cat becomes more used to the change and becomes less afraid.
perhaps keep them apart for a few days and then reintroduce them to each other slowly again. this will help them to regain their confidence.

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female cat is fighting with her brother after two years of living together
by: christina

Today we bathed both our cats that have lived together for 2 years, we used tail and main shampoo that we were told is safe for animals . Well my two year old female cat is acting weird and keeps attacking the male cat and this has never happened before. Is it that she doesn't recognize our other cat because of the smell. Even though she has the same smell.. What can I do? worried!!!

hi this is known as trauma aggression. Do a search on my site for this term and you will find a page about this issue.


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