Cat's anal Sore

by Jessica
(San Mateo, California, USA)

My cat is 3 years old. Yesterday we noticed a small red area on her anus. It looks like an infected gland to me. She is also acting very odd. She is sleeping on her back and hiding in dark corners when she is usually lying in the sun on her stomach. My moms been soaking her in the bathtub which seems to be making her feel better and shes also been putting neosporin on her. I think we need to take her to the vet but my mom insits it will go away on its own. Any advice?

answer by Kate
the trouble is if the area becomes infected then your cat will need antibiotics from the vet. Also if it is a swollen anal gland then she may need it to be emptied and again only a vet can do this painlessly.

if your cat does get any better in a day or two then I would definitely say that she does need to see the vet before other complincations set in, like an infection.

In the mean time keeping the area clean is a good idea and a mild antiseptic cream may help.

best wishes Kate

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