Cats are showing aggression

by Connie
(New Jersey)

I recently had both of our cats to the vet. He recommended that I stop leaving a dry food dish down at all times as one cat is too heavy.

He recommended 7 to 9 kibbles per feeding 3 times a day.

The girls were constantly crying and after about a month I increased the portions to 2 Tabelspoons 3 times a day for the heavier cat. 1 tabelspoon a day for the smaller cat.

Silver, my heavy cat lost quite a bit of weight. Ruby the smaller one seems about the same. This has been their diet for about 5 months now.

I have noticed that they seem to fight more now. Before they would frolick and play. Now I hear hissing and Silver in particular seems much more aggressive.

Do you think this has something to do with a diet change? Are they getting enough food?

Comments for Cats are showing aggression

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by: Anonymous

Whose getting more food?
The first owned cat or the 'newest' cat?
Even though they are house pets, there is still a pecking order (even, whom gets fed first) among cats.
Try feeding the 'alpha' (first owned) cat first, regardless of the amount, then the little sibling. I did this with my cats and we've had harmony ever since.

by: Kate

It could have something to do with the fact that becuse there is less food around that they feel that they have to compete for what there is.
I am not a cat dietian and so i would not like to cooment on how much food should be fed when you are trying to get a cat to lose weight. If it were me i would feed the recoomended daily amounnt on the can and would feed the cats sepaerately to ensure that there is no cause for aggression at meal times. Also i would try to encourage the cat who needs to lose weight to do some more activities. get him running around every day.

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