Cats dont clean their behinds
by Tammy
I have four female cats. The older of the four do not clean their anal area after they have bowl movements. I can smell them when they are near me and I have to get out wet pet wipes and wipe their fecal caked anal areas off.
Why are they not like my younger two cats they clean their anal areas.
The reason I ask is this is gross. And if their nasty behavior continues I may have to find new homes for them.
I love them but I am just super grossed out by this.
Thank you for any help you can offer.
Answer by Kate
Cats are very clean animals and won't normally leave themselves unclean unless either they are unable to reach that area an this may be if they are overweight or if he action of reaching round causes them pain. Or they are unhappy in some way.
My advice would be to take them to see a vet to have them checked out for illness or injury.
Best wishes Kate
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