cats fur is oily.

Our now 8 month old calico, one of three in litter has very oily coat, thin, butt in air with cooing on and off

Recognize she may be in heat however she is very thin and super oily

well the oil must be coming from the skin. Have you parted the fur to see if their are any scabs or parasites of any sort?

Also it could be caused by over active glands and this could be related to her being in heat.

My advice would be to speak to your vet about her, it may be that she s producing too much oil and may have a hormone imbalance. the vet will also be able to check for any skin problems which could be causing the problem.

She should definitely not have oil fur and is a definite sign of an imbalance somewhere. It may be able to be sorted out via diet or may need further medications. The vet is really best placed to try and identify the cause.


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