Cat's Got an Attitude

by L

Hi, my cat just turned two years old, and in the past week or so she's become more distant and skiddish. She also doesn't like to be touched and doesn't meow as much as she used to. (And trust me, that was A LOT). I'm wondering what this new change in behavior is.

Answer by Kate
Any unusual and sudden change in a cats behaviour should always be checked out by a vet if it goes on for more than a few days.

cats cannot tell us if they are feeling unwell and often behavioural changes is the only signal we get that something may be wrong.

At least if you have her checked by a vet you can put your mind at rest that she is not ill in some way. And that the new behaviour is caused by some other external cause, such as a change in the home environment, routine etc.

best wishes Kate

Comments for Cat's Got an Attitude

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Skitsy Kitty
by: Anonymous

Mine have done that also. I’m only guessing but I think it has to do with maybe change in his or her environment. And it usually happens to the females. I have had over a dozen kitty cats and have loved them all so much. And they all have their own personalities, but the type of kitty usually have some of the main characteristics. What kind of cat do you have? It made me so sad, she would hide a lot wouldn’t want me to touch her, and meowed at me strangely. I realized it was maybe because she had babies….

the last few nights hardly see him now he is back he is noy friendly at all usd to be very cuddley now he growls as soon as he is picked up, why is he like this???
by: Anonymous

My 1yr old cat has been wondering for the last week and he is back now but not friendly and when you pick him up he just growls use to be very cuddley why the sudden change??

Cat went missing I have found her how do I bring her back
by: Anonymous

My cat had kittens I gave 3 away kept one for mom
Had them both fixed
The kitten started acting strange and was not warm towards us after that
She ran away
I have now found her down the road with some other cats
I want to bring her back but not sure how
We go down and see her everyday she comes to us when we call her but when I pick her up she want let me put her in the car
Her mother misses her and so do we
Help can not leave food out for her to come back as their is lots of cats around and will scare mom off
She seems happy and healthy
I am scared if I bring her back and she runs away again she will not be able to go back to her happy spot where she is now

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