Change of behavior in my cat

by Shandra
(Lake Worth, FL, U.S.A)

My family and I adopted a kitten about a month ago. From the start she was friendly and running around the house. She would crawl onto our laps or stomachs and nap there while we watched T.V or on the computer. We were so happy that she deemed us worthy to sleep on. But lately, she doesn't want to be held and seems more distance. And it's not like she doesn't want to be inside, because she's always crying to be inside. But, she no longer wants to nap with us and runs when we come near. Did we do something or are we just over-reacting?

Answer by Kate
when i first got my cat, for the first week or so we called her velcro after the sticky stuff as she just wouldn't leave us alone but after a few weeks she settled down and just seemed happy with just coming to us when she wanted a cuddle etc but it was definately a big change from how she was originally.
So it may just be that your cat was just so over the moon with having a new home and family but has now settled down to their own routine.
The only other possibility is have you changed your perfume etc as this can sometimes make a cat suddenly go off people.
If you are sure that it is not something medical that may be making her feel ill ie no change in other beahvior and eating habits (if unsure take her to the vets), then it may just be that they have settled down into their new home. It is unlikely that you have done anything to upset them uless you have been cruel to them which i very much doubt.

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