
by Helen Curtis
(Chattanooga, TN USA)

My cat stopped eating. He last ate on 2/17/08 and he has only sniffed at the food. He's only taken a few laps of juice/gravy off the food and then turns his nose up. We have taken him to the vet twice in two days and he was given vitamin b-12 shots to stimulate his appetite. We've went from Friskees to Fancy Feast (which is was he's been eating for the last month) to Iams. He still will not eat. We've even put a little milk on top of some food, but he won't eat. The vet gave us some food that looks like putty. He ate about a small spoonful and won't touch anymore. Help!!!!! We are truly worried. This is an urgent request. Thank you.

Answer by Kate
Oh dear this does sound bad. So the vet does not know what is wrong with him either which is strange. Have they taken any blood tests?
The only other thing i can suggest is that you keep trying different foods, perhaps even try making some homecooked food (see my cat food page for some ideas).
I'm sorry i haven't got any other suggestions for you as either you're cat has become extremely fussy about what he eats or has some medical condition yet to be discovered by your vet.
I send you all my best wishes and hope that your cat soon recovers their attitude.

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