Chipper - The Little Encourager
by Sherri
His eyes were torn from their sockets .. diabolical hands perpetuated this horror upon him, as he was forcibly held down. It happened in Amman,Jordon and he was blessedly rescued by a wonderful American woman,there with her husband, as he concluded business.
Though ready to return to the states (with two puppies they had also rescued) the husband remained behind to wait and see if the little cat could be stabilized enough to tolerate the long flight back to the U.S.A. How he survived the initial attack, the pain, shock, horrendous infection that ensued and then all those long,long miles that brought him to me, is nothing short of a miracle.
His face and head swollen to the size of a mini pumpkin, and the odor of infection from his ravaged eye sockets, enough to turn the strongest stomach .. He somehow knew he was finally safe and HE AND I bonded instantly.
It took 10 weeks of medical care to prepare him for surgery and at that time all the debris was removed from the sockets and then he underwent cosmetic surgery, permanently bringing his eye lids down and stitching them in place. He also was neutered.
His immediate family is myself and four other kittys, all with disabilities. He is beautiful,healthy and lives in an environment of total love, safety and peace. He is an animal that makes everyone smile, his playful antics never revealing the horror he endured. He does suffer horrible seizures, but they are now managed successfully with one small sedative at bedtime, allowing him a purrfectly normal life.
I knew He had been sent for a special reason .. You see,only a few months before he arrived, I had found that within three to four years, my own vision would be taken and I would be blind. I was full of fear
.. I am alone, how would I manage. Then I became so involved helping him and I could not miss all the little ways he came up with to get himself where he wanted to go, find whatever he wanted. His bravery, his willingness to adapt and absolutely his intention to love and live his new life to the fullest,well, that is how he was nicknamed THE LITTLE ENCOURAGER.
I believe with all my heart He WAS a gift, sent to help me in my own journey. Thank you for letting me share Chippers story, He means everything to me. Sherri from Montana
Comment From Kate (site owner)
Oh Sherri what a truly horrendous but at the same time up lifting story. The tears came easily.
It really frightened s me how so evil and cruel some people can be, it really does make we think that these people who can carry out such hideous acts really do have something missing inside. Thank you for sharing your story.
What a story
by: Anonymous
This story just broke my heart and turned my stomach! How in the name of God could anyone
do such a hideous thing to an innocent
Thank you so so much for taking care of this
poor furbaby and giving it a loving home.
Every animal that has crossed over to the
Rainbow Bridge is surely smiling down on
you today.
Wonderful story
by: Theresa
I'm thinking my next cat I adopt will be a deaf one. I am losing my hearing and if I follow my family hearing history, it will be almost gone in 30 years.
Thank you for sharing your wonderful story.
by: Mia Clewley
Sherri, I believe you were also a gift sent to little Chipper. What a sad story, but a happy ending. I wish you both well