clear liquid from my kittys eye

by Lesa Peysen
(Wichita Falls,Tx.USA)

Good day, I took in a kitten about 5 months ago. He was 2 months at the time and his eyes were almost glued shut. fortunately I had some amoxicillin and gave it to him which cleared it up.5 months later I still deal with 1 eye that leaks clear fluid every day. It almost seems like an allergy drain as I have allergys and mine run a lot. He looks part persion but doesn't have the smushed persion face but does have the real fluffy tail,hair & mane. I have been told that persion cats have more of a propencity to have this because of their smushed faces but that is not the case with him. I clean his eye with a damp cotton ball twice a day but was curious if there is medication to help or is it maybe a tear duct that may be blocked? Why would it be 1 eye & not both? Any suggestions would be very helpful. Thank you.

Comments for clear liquid from my kittys eye

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Male kitty's eye
by: Anonymous

I just had my male cat at the vets two days ago for that reason and sneezing and couldn't breathe through nose. He had an upper respiratory infection and his eye they said was feline herpes. They gave a clear cream to put on his eye and clavamox. His eye leaked for couple days then the last day it turned red. Thank God he's doing much better.

Mine has the same issue
by: Tony

Our youngest cat has always had a clear liquid in the inner corner of his left eye. Sometimes it will harden. He can go a couple of months without a problem. Our vet did some tests and informed us that Mosey has an inherited form of feline herpies. It's not transferrable nor life threatening. It can manifest as a cold. Sometimes we'll give him antibiotics, but most of the time we let his natural immune defense work.

by: Kate

Yes i have heard that flat faced cats do suffer from eye problems but as i am not a vet i could not say for sure that the cause of the discharge is blocked tear ducks or an allergy. I can only advise that you get the eye checked out by a vet just in case their is a blockage or an infection.

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