concern about cat

by nas
(london, england)

hi, i have a cat who is about 11months old, she recently gave birth to 3 kittens, about a month ago. as far as looking after her kittens there is no problems, the concern is with her, she doesnt look herself, she eats alot which im guessing is normal, but she doesnt look happy and playful, is this because of the feeding? is there anything else that i could do for her?

Answer from KAte
Sometimes giving birth can take it out of a cat and there condition can go down. It may be an idea to consider giving her either some supplement to help boost her or perhaps changing her food for a time to something which will also boost her health. Their are special cat foods available which are designed to do this, speak with your vet or pet store for advice.

I have a couple of pages with more information about these two things which you may find of further interest.

best wishes kate

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