dawn cat came back

We have found our older cat today after we gave up hope of ever finding him. He is in good health, and obviously very resourceful. I'm not sure how to handle keeping him contained? I don't want him to stray again. We have a younger cat that seems to annoy him. Should I keep them separated? Let them deal with eachother? They both go in/outside whenever they want. The younger cat is much more agressive, which is why I think the lost one left in the first place. I am at a loss, what should I do?

Answer by kate
This is difficult one as usually when cats don't get on they will just give each other a wide birth and just settle into their own routine, however now and again some cats prefer to relocate themselves, this happened to me years ago.
Unfortunately unless you intend to try and stop him going out completely then there is no way to stop him wandering off if the cause is a dislike for the other pet.
I am assuming that your cat is neutered as this is often a cause for a cat to wander off.
If you do decide to try and keep him in then you have to make sure that there inside environement is interesting enough to keep them happy. see my page about indoor cats under the cat care heading.

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