Digestion problem

by C. Viereck
(Lemon Grove, CA, USA)

Dasiy and Delilah

Dasiy and Delilah

My cat is very healthy but after eating dry food she sometimes throws it back up. It's almost dry when it comes up so it didn't even start to digest. This happens about once a week. The vet told me to feed her on a flat plate rather than a bowl. He thought she was eating to fast. That hasn't seemed to solve the problem. This mainly happens after eating only the dry food. She drinks plenty of water so it can't be that it's too dry for her to swallow. She is seven years old and has been very healthy. She is also an indoor only pet. She has relatively short hair, is a mix of Siamese and who knows what but looks like a blue point Siamese.

Thanks for your help

C. Viereck

Daisy is the one with the problem.

Answer by Kate
we had the same problem with little mo, she would throw up her food after she ate quite a lot and we used to feed her only dry food too. It was due to the fact that she would eat too fast and was partly due to the fact that she had a bad tooth which must have either been hurting or was just making it difficult for her to chew, it was also partly due to the fact that she ate more to try and fill herself up with just the dry food. So we sorted out her tooth and then started to mix a little wet food with some dry food and this seemed to work as it filled her up quicker and so she ate less and also she started to chew the bulkier mass and so was not swallowing whole dry bits.
Also try to feed your cat a smaller plate of food and then give them a little more if they ask for it, it helps them to realise that they don't have to gooble up their food quickly as they will get more if they require it.

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My cat does this too!
by: Cat Lover

My kitten has done this since he was 6 weeks old. I don't know about the answer above but my vet told me that some cats have a larger esophagus than some and when they eat the food gets stuck in a "pocket" in their esophagus which is why the food still comes out whole, it doesn't even reach the throat. My vet recommends putting the food at a higher level. This has done the trick for the most part but he keeps growing and I have to keep putting it higher. I am tempted to resort to an all soft food diet as he does not have this problem with soft food.

good luck!

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