Emergency Kitten Question!!!!

Neighbors 5 week old kitten was found outside, it looks like it's head is swollen in front, wont move front legs and eyes won't open. I went over and looked at it and dropper fed it some water but told her it looks like a brain hemorrhage. She doen't know what happened to it and can't afford a vet. It seems like her front paws won't move either and I am assuming it may be brain damage from the swollen brain. I told her to take it to the humane society but she is worried they will put it down. Could you tell me what I can tell her to be in the best interest of the kitten? Thanks!

Sorry i couldn't get back to you sooner

It does sound to me like it could be some sort of head truama. Possible stepped on, or fallen. It may even be a sting which the cat has reacted badly too.

Either way, your;re right she needs to have the kitten seen by a vet as soon as possible.

As for worrying about them putting it down. they can't without her permission. They are there to help and advise her and that is what she needs to focus on. the kitten is the one who is important here.

I hope he is still with us and that you can persuade her to take him to see someone.

best wishes kate

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