Feline Diabetes
Is It Manageable?

Feline Diabetes, or Cat Diabetes (also called Diabetes Mellitus or 'sugar diabetes') is a complex disease.

Here I will give you a brief summary of the main points of this serious cat illness, but if you do suspect your cat may have the condition then you will have to visit your vet.

Cat diabetes can be fatal if left untreated, just as Diabetes Mellitus is in humans, so it does need to be taken very seriously.

The good news is that it is a treatable condition (which means it can be managed rather than cured),

So please take your cat to a vet if you suspect they may be displaying any of the symptoms, or that they appear ill in any other way.  

What Is Cat Diabetes?

Cat diabetes is more common in older and overweight cats (again, just as it is in humans).

Very briefly, a hormone called Insulin is used by the body to regulate the amount of sugar in the blood.

When the pancreas (the organ that produces insulin) cannot produce enough insulin (or any at all), or the body cannot utilise the insulin that is being produced, the result is that too much sugar is carried in the blood rather than being used for energy.

This imbalance can cause damage to organs and tissues over time, as well as producing many of the symptoms associated with diabetes mellitus.

What Are Some of The Signs and Symptoms of Feline Diabetes? 

  • A classic symptom of diabetes is an increased thirst. One of the first signs you might notice in your diabetic cat is that it is drinking much more water than usual.

  • Frequent urination. This is the body trying to pass out the excess sugar. If your cat goes to the toilet outside, then this might be difficult to spot.If you suspect anything, then keep your cat indoors for a couple of days with a litter tray so that you can watch to see if it is passing urine more frequently than normal.
  • Unexplained weight loss. This can happen even if your cat is displaying an increased appetite.

  • Poor coat condition.

  • Increased tiredness and weakness.

  • Frequent infections, including delayed wound healing if your cat gets injured.
  • Fits or seizures. (Obviously if your cat is experiencing these then it needs to be taken to the vet immediately).

  • If your cat is showing any of these symptoms then please take your cat to the vet for a thorough examination.
  • Other Effects Feline Diabetes Can Have On Your Cat

    Blood Sugar Gold

    Natural support for Diabetes in Cats

  • Over time, cat diabetes can lead to neuropathy (damage to the nerves) in your cats paws leading to a loss of feeling.This means that your cat is at more risk of injuries as they cannot feel if they get cut, and with the delayed healing and increased infection risk that diabetes brings, this can be very problematic.

  • Diabetic cats are more at risk of Cataracts and other eye diseases.

  • Long term diabetes can lead to kidney disease.

  • A condition to watch out for in Feline Diabetes is called Hypoglycaemia, which means low blood sugar. This is where the sufferer has not had enough to eat to keep their blood sugars up, or has had too much insulin.

    This can result in unconsciousness and seizures and it is an emergency situation that needs immediate treatment, often with glucose injections.
  • Treatments For Cat Diabetes

    There is no one treament for Feline Diabetes and several factors have to be taken into consideration before the correct treatment can be given.

    Due to this I have a dedicated page covering the treatments available for this serious cat illness and the extra care which needs to be given to your diabetic cat.

    Find Out About The Treatments....

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