female cat is very sleepy
by diane key
i have got two cats one of each and they are over six mouths old but the female one seems sleepy and quiet than usual and they havent been neutured what is wrong with her i am just worried about her or is she on heat please help me
Answer from KAte
well being sleepy is not a normal symptom of being in heat so it is quite possible that she is not well in some way but it may be a simple virus which will only last a few days.
If these sleepy symptoms continue and or if other symptoms appear which would suggest ill health then your best option is to take her to the vets. however it is not unusual for cats to pick up little colds etc which can make them sleepy for a few days.
Here is more information about cats in heat
At 6 months old you should be considering having oth cats neutered /spayed I have more information here about this which you may find of further interest
best wishes KAte