First Family Cat Is Sick...

by Ashley

We have never had a cat before so we aren't sure on what is going on...he is about a year old and for about a week he has not eaten much, barely drinks, is very lethargic and extremely skinny. He also is breathing heavily. I'm having surgery in a few days and am trying to get him to a vet, but the money is very limited. PLEASE HELP!

Answer from Kate
sadly when symptoms are this severe your only option is to take him to the vets as soon as possible. hopefully it will only cost the visit amount and a few drugs. However if left could be much worse.

His symptoms could suggest all sorts of conditions which have to be properly diagnosed so that treatment can be the correct one and so be most affective.

Make sure you make your cat drink some water, as dehydration can be a killer in itself. perhaps use a teaspoon to get a few drops into them if they won't drink.

I hope he is better soon.

best wishes Kate

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