Food dropping issue...all over house

by Tracy

Hi. I have a 5 year old Siamese, who appears healthy and happy. However, about 6 months ago, we noticed that she was taking her food out of her dish and dropping it all over the house. Sometimes it was in a line as in the appearance of bread crumbs marking her path back to the dish. Sometimes it is a grouping of two or three little biscuits in various parts of the house. She also now drops an inordinate amount of food in her water over time. I have tried to look in her mouth to see if there is a problem, but I can't see much. At first it was just a strange little behavior that we thought would go away, but it hasn't. We are completely vexed by the situation. She has dry food and water out all the time. We can't pick a pattern to this behavior.

Have you ever heard of this? What do you suggest?


Answer Kate
I'm not sure if this is a symptom of a bahavior pattern or just that some cats like to take there food to other places. My own cat will take bits out of her plate and go somewhere else and usually eats them. It could be that her food bowl is either too near her litter tray or is in a place where they don;t feel secure, i.e too noisy or in a open place. you could try moving the bowl to see if this helps. Other than that it may be a way for them to mark their territory, but this would be strage and i haven't come across this before.

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