Hello, Little Mo here again. So what have I been up to lately? Well, just the usual bits and bobs really. I'm very happy at the moment because summer has finally come back at last, and I do so love being nice and warm! The other day I made my Mum rather worried and I didn't even do it on purpose, unlike most of my tricks! My Mum and Dad had gone out shopping again, and as it was a nice sunny day, I went out to laze about in our quiet front garden. It gets really sunny there in the mornings and not many cars go by, so it's nice and safe. As usual I made my way into our neighbours garden because it's much neater and tidier than my lazy Dad's jungle. There I found a lovely old window box on the ground which was empty of any flowers. It was the perfect size, the perfect shape and in the perfect place for a little kitty like me to have a gentle snooze. There I was, sound asleep and comfortably adrift in my kitty dream world when I felt myself being gently poked, and I heard..."Oh no!....Mouse......Mouse!" (that's my real name you see, Mo is short for Mouse). As I looked up and meowed, somewhat annoyed at being so rudely woken from my pleasant slumbers, I saw my Mum looking down at me with a very worried expression on her face, and my Dad behind her, now laughing! I heard them saying things like ...."dead?"... and ..."looks like a coffin".... but I don't really know what they were on about. These humans, they do get all worked up about the slightest thing! Anyway, I'm feeling a bit tired now..... so where's a nice comfy place for me to take a nap?..... I know.....