hii my cat had a litter and i had a qustion about the queen

by steve cappello
(burlington MA)

my queen cat hand a litter and her stomach still feels like theres babies in there and i not sure if i should take her to the vet cause she needs to care for her other kittins what ever it is is sagging down between her legs and in her stomach like 3 or 4 lumps and she had a litter of like 4 or 5 that are out


Answer by KAte
If she has just had the kittens then yes it is possible that she has a few more to come. Sometimes labor can be delayed between kittens for some time. However if it is days and the lumps are still there i would definitely want to find out what these could be.

It may just be fat deposits or something to do with her milk (there are conditions that can cause the milk to thicken and form limps I believe but i am not a vet and so could not say for sure.

if i were you i would telephone the vets office to see if they will advise over the phone whether or not this is normal and if they need to see her or not. If you do go you will probably have to take the kittens as well to have them given a once over too.

i hope it is nothing serious and I would be interested to know what the vets says about them if you have the time to leave another message for me.

best wishes kate

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