House cat wants to stay out at night on terrace

by Ellen Kash
(Boca Raton, Fla)

I have been having a problem with my male siamese cat for the last few months.He is an indoor cat who is waking me up every night so that he can stay out on the terrace. If I don't let him out he makes a lot of noise such as banging the verticals meowing and being disruptive. This behavior is keeping me up on and off all night and wreeking havoc in my life. How can i stop him from wanting to go out at night and settle down and sleep inside. Please respond with any helpful suggesstions.

Answer by Kate
Simple answer is you can't. Sorry. I'm sure you have made his indoor environment as comfortable and as stimulating as possible and if he still wants to go out then there is no way to deter that want. Cats always retain their wild instincts, which is probably the reason he wants to go out at night as this is the main time of day cats like to be active. Perhaps provide him with a covered shlter on your terrace so that he has somewhere he can be sadfge and warm but still be able to see outside. Sorry i couldn't offer any other advice.

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