How can I keep my cat from being a brat every morning?

My cats keeps on making noise every morning that I cannot enjoy my sleeping around 6AM - 9AM. He insists to go inside the bedroom or if he sees a person, he eventually bumps on the person he sees. He is being so energetic every morning which he does not do on the rest of the day? He is a male and a year old. What does that mean?

this is completely normal behavior for cat.

Cats do not keep the same timetable as us humans. In fact night time is normally when cats want to be most active. We force them into sleeping through the night to match our own sleeping patterns but by 6am they have had enough and they want food and to go out etc.

My own cats are the same and I'm sure many cat owners would tell you the same.

All you can do is to either keep them in a room over night with the door closed, their litter tray, bed and some fresh water. Or to install a cat flap so that the cat can at least get out when they want too.

I'm afraid that early morning disturbances like this are all part of being a cat owner.

Also make sure you give your cat a good meal before bedtime. this should help to see them through till morning.

best wishes Kate

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