how to keep my tomcat out of the road
by susie j
(birch river wv)
I have a tomcat he is beautiful my neighbor kinda dropped him on us be love him dearly and we was wondering how to keep him out of the road we live really close to the road and i am afraid he is going to get hit. i have some cats inside and i cant bring him in.
any answers would be great.
Answer by KAte
sadly there is no answer to this question. A cat is essentially a wild animal at heart and so will wander where they like.
i have had cats all my life and live in a city and all of my cats have crossed roads etc and none of them have ever been hit. however i do know of people whose cats have been hit.
generally cats are quite smart road crossers but just like us humans they can have their accidents too.
If your cat is not neutered then you should really have him done as it is unfair to allow a tom cat to roam free and cause unwanted and unnecessary pregnancies in the area. it will also help to reduce his wander lust and neutered cats tend to stay more local.
All you can do is if you do have a garden that you make the garden as appealing to your cat as possible, shelters, climbing trees toys etc so that they prefer to stay in the garden rather than go elsewhere but there are no guarantees this will happen.
best wishes Kate