They are used to large house and a back yard, to a large enough apartment with a nice shaded balcony too, and lots of places to hide. And that is what they have been doing for almost two days now, only moving around at night. One holds up in a faux fireplace all day, the other under my sheets and the last in the closet. They do sleep with me at night. But my problem is with my most vocal and sociable on Roadie. He keeps acting like he has something stuck in his mouth after he eats and wipes his mouth with his paw like he is going to vomit but does not. I triple checked his mouth and now his nose is warm. I gave him some rescure remedy and he slept most of the day away. Do you think he might have a tooth falling out or moving that is causing him discomfort after he eats? He growls and makes noises like he wants to say something. Then goes quiet.