by Juli
My kitten came down with something suddenly. She was fine one day. Then I didn't see her eat at all two days ago. She wouldn't poop. She peed a little, but she mostly would lie there. Later that evening, she wouldn't move at all. When I would pick her up and stand her on her feet, she wouldn't move her front legs properly. She would leave them like I put them and then just fall on her head. (She was on a bed, so it wouldn't hurt her.) She wouldn't move her front legs at all. We gave her some milk, which at first she drank on her own, and then we fed her some through a syringe. Then we fed her water. She wouldn't eat at all. Yesterday it was the same thing. She wouldn't move, we had to give her liquids through a syringe. We also gave her a shot of penicillin, but she still wouldn't do anything. Today she at a tiny piece of tuna, pooped for the first time in two days, and drank some pedialite. I can't afford to take her to the vet right now. She had her first round of shots. She's breathing normally. We gave her another shot of penicillin today. She lifted her head up on her own, but she still can't stand up. When I asked for some advice from a vet, they said they'd run tests, but probably would just put her to sleep. I'm so desperate. I
Comments for I'm really frightened for my kitten.