Is my Cat dying or whats going on
by Leigh-Ann
(Regina, Canada)
For the past four days he has been hiding in my basement and everytime i find where he is he immediantly goes to a different place. He is very shaky and has not been eating or drinking for the past few days. and has been constipated and has not urined anywhere. could it be Urinary Tract? or is it just his time to go . ?
Answer by Kate
well what ever it is a i would strongly recommend that you take him to the vets. he may be shaky and hiding because he has not been able to go to the loo or he may have a stomach problem etc etc. All of these things should be able to be treated by the vet and the longer you leave it the more distress your cat will be in and indeed could die if not treated.
I would be very interested to hear how you get on at the vets, keep us posted on your cats condition.
best wishes Kate
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