by Matt
(Odessa, TX)
Whats wrong with my cat? My cat is 6 yrs old, a couple of days ago she got sick, her symptoms: her right eye is gooey, swollen closed, reddish color, kinda like pink eye. She is losing weight not super fast but fast enough to worry me. Her coat is usarally shiny and pretty but now its like she is losing color and life. Shes life-less, she has the shits and she dont clean herself so needless to say on her butt she is dirty, (if you know what i mean). She has lost her appitite, she wouldnt eat for the past 2 days, i gave her some wet food and she ate part of it. She probally more than likley be dehydrated. Im worried about her I understand she is getting old and going to die sooner or later, hopefully with your help it will be later instead of sooner. Please help me with my cat 6 yrs together is a long time and I would like as many more yrs with her that i can get so HELP ME HELP HER PLEASE!!.
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