is my cat very ill?

my cat pepper is 10 years old. we have her and polly her litter sister since they were 8 weeks old. pepper is acting strange. she is very thristy, drinking from faucets, toilet and her 3 times refilled a day water bowl like she never has water. she is lethargic, sleeping all the time and not very social. also her poop is grayish white and soft like softserve icecream, she poops in the game room under the pooltable instead of her litterbox which is in the next room. she is still very friendly to me. but won't have anything to do with anyone else. I am concerned. but in the last year both my husband and i have lost our jobs. so no money for vet. any ideas?

ANswer By KAte
I am sorry to say that I really do think you need to find a way to get your cat seen by the vet. The symptoms you describe are definitely not normal and sign of illness. I am not a vet and so cannot diagnose but an over thirsty cat an be a sign of several illnesses which need treatment such as diabetes, thyroid problems and even heart problems. However it really does need to be diagnosed properly and treated as soon as possible.

I hope you can find a way to see a vet soon

Best wishes Kate

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