Itchy Bum

My cat has begun to meow a lot and have noticed he has an itchy bum, drags it on the floor for relief. What could be the trouble? Diet is cat crumbles.

Answer by Kate
It could be inpacted anal glands or a skin allergy or worms. All of these things can cause discomfort and cause a cat to behave this way. A vet will be able to diagnoise the exact problem and treat for it.

Comments for Itchy Bum

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itchy bum
by: Anonymous

I too have a male cat now almost 13 years old. I took him to the vet many times. No worms, glands taken care of and no one found out why he was scooting (as I put it on the floor or carpet). I did not know what was going on. About a week ago I changed his food and went from chicken to salmon. guess what .... no more butt scooting. He is a calm loving cat I haven't experienced in years.

Try changing his diet. something in the food could be irritating him. I am now giving him FROMM hard cat food with salmon and vegetables. He loves it and is a much more calmer animal.

I hope you find out if your cat has an allergy. The food seems to make all the difference in the world.

messy cat
by: Anonymous

female cat 4 yrs old ruining carpet rubbing on floor after elimination doesn't clean self is a himalayan

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