kitten 2 weeks or 3

by anonymous

around 4 in the morning i heard the kittens crying outside i didn't think anything of it there outside kittens with there mom and kittens cry,well around 10:00 in the morning am i sent my little brotheres outside to play some football like 10 20 minutes later.they brought in one of the kittens it was cold had mucus shut all around its can barley move and has a really bad odor to it.and i told my brother to look at its butt to see if anything was comeing out and it had a kind of goo stuck to it dad held him try to make him warm i cleaned of the mucus on its eyes and it just kept comeing back.did it get poisend??please help.

Answer by Kate
It is always a possibility that he was poisoned but there are also so many other things which could harm kittens. If they have fleas this can be fetal to them, or they may have cat flu or some other infection.

kittens can be very fragile and need lost of care. They should always see a vet to make sure they are in good health and the vet will be able to advise re flea treatments and vaccinations etc.

i have lots of pages on my site that you may find helpful here is just a few

best wishes Kate

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