kitten in house- and nobody is getting any sleep

by Nanette
(New York)


I recently adopted a newborn kitten, which an experinced cat rescuer was nursing. In fine health now, the little guy is just not going to sleep at night. Any suggestions? Also is there a safe herb potion I could possibly give him in the evening?
Both my 6 year old cat and I would appreciate any help you can give us-

Answer by Kate
well as far as I know there is nothing you can give him to induce to sleep and would probably not be a good idea anyway. It is better to try and create a routine for him that will always serve him well throughout his life.

I usually suggest a very vigourous gae about half an hour before bedtime. Then I would feed him a meal just before bedtime, then I would settle him down into a seperate room with his litter tray, his bed and some things to play with if he does wake up at night.

best wishes and I hope you start to get some sleep


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