kitten may have a broken back

by Kennarra
(yuma, az)

hello, my sistet got a 7 week old kitten and about two days ago my d and sister accidently shut the door on her...for the first day she didnt move her legs at all..just kinda dragged them around but she still wanted to runn around and play like normal and when we would wrapp her up and make her lay down she would get mad and fight to get she is kinda moving her legs..she strechs them but she still wont walk on them..shes eating, drinking, and sleeping just fine and my dad thinks she is just bruised and sore and it will take awhile for her to be walking on her hind legs again..and he wants to wait atleast two weeks before we take her to the vet to get looked at because they charge up to 70 dollars for the x ray...but i dont know what to think..i just dont want to leave her in pain and it makes me sad when i see her trying to play...i feel her back and her legs and i dont feel any or loose bones..but she gets kinda mad wheni feel just really stressing...i love her to death..please helpp!

Oh my goodness I dont know what to say. You can't wait that long, I just don't understand, if you have a cat you have to take on the responsibility of vet bills. you wouldn't let a person suffer. Sorry for sounding off but i do believe that animals should be given the respect and care that we would give a human.

Sorry but you do need to get her looked at. an xray may not be needed as whenever i have taken a cat to see a vet they have been able to feel the legs and spine etc to discover the cause. Xrays are usually the last resort and anyway it is your decision if you want them to have an xray or not, they can't force you.

Hopefully your cat is just bruised etc but she may be in some pain and so the vet can give meds for that and also some anti inflammatory drugs to help any swelling etc.

i hope your kitten recovers soon

best wishes kate

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