kitten pees on where husband sits and sleeps
by russ
My wife got a male kitten a month or so ago. The kitten is now 15 weeks old now. He seems to be very smart & gentle. Just within the last 2 weeks he has pee'd where I sit on the couch and just recently he pee'd on my side of the bed where I sleep. He hasn't pee'd anywhere my wife sits or sleeps. I think he is marking over my scent...maybe just a natural thing for male animals to male dogs mark their territory. I would appreciate your opinion/input on our male kittens behavior and what can be done to curb this behavior.
Well yes you are right he is scent marking his territory. the fact that he is doing it where you sit is often an indication that your scent makes him feel comfortable and safe and he is affirming his position in the house by adding his scents to yours.
It is a common situation whereby cats who are feeling a little anxious or insecure will scent mark on their favorite peoples clothes and side of the bed etc.
It could be that he just needs some more time to settle in and feel at home as it were.
Make sure he has plenty to keep him occupied and distracted as this helps them to settle. Make sure you have a variety of toys etc for stimulation could try some of the cat calming sprays available around the home which may help to settle him also. I believe felaway is one such spray. My page also has some advice for anxious cats here
scared-cat.htmlHe may even need a period of litter training to help him relax in his new home. See this page wishes kate