Kittens demands only wet food..

Hello. I have a couple of questions. I recently adopted a male kitten 5mnths old. The pound said he was a stray.He is absolutly obbessed with eating! He whines and cries constatly for food..even after he just ate. Its only for the wet food. My other adopted kitten is nothing like this. Im hoping he is just spoiled and its something I can correct..hopefully. He was examened before I signed his adoption papers and is perfectly healthly. Do you think it could be anytype of worm? I was told that in CA(my location) worms arnt really a concern. How can I correct this behavior? I don't want him to depend on only wet food. I only want that to be considered a treat.

Answer by Kate
well it is common for stray cats to become a little obsessed with food as they may still be anxious about worrying where the next meal is coming from and so are over greedy. In cases like this you just have to stick to your guns and offer the cat food you want to feed him at regular intervals and to ignore any begging.

however it is also possible that he may have worms, there are several different types and the more common ones can be treated with a tablet. the monthly spot on flea treatments also protect again some worms too (check the brand for details)
i have a web page about worms here which you may find of further interest

My next question is..he does this really weird thing with my bathroom door :). If anyone goes in the bathroom and shuts the door he sits and meows and meows nonstoppd until they open it. Whats that about?
Thanks, Krystal

Answer by Kate
My kitten does this too sometimes. it is a form over being over clingy and wanting attention all the time. this can turn into something more serious if indulged, Separation anxiety. this can mean the cat will want to be with you at all times and become distressed when left alone. this is not a good situation for your cat to get into.

It is early days at the moment and considering how this kitten has spent the first few months of his life it is not surprising that he may be a little over anxious.

Give him time and regular play times, try to build a routine around food times and play times etc. he will soon learn these and settle down. it can be hard for you at first ignoring cries etc but it really is in their best interests.

best wishes Kate

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