Kitty Scare

by Malory
(North Dakota)

I just got a 6 week old kitten and I've had her for a week now. Just suddenly the other night she started to throw up a lot and become very tired. She was throwing up food, but this morning she is throwing up white foam. I also noticed she walks kind of funny, her back legs are a little shaky and instead of walking she'll sit on the floor and j just look around. She is usually hyper and full of energy, I don't think she got into anything, I keep a very close eye on her and we don't have any chemicals lying about our apartment and she's never been outside. I can't really afford a vet right now, and so I'm not sure what to do. The other cat we have in the apartment is fine. The only thing that could have caused her to possible throw up is, she likes to eat the older cats food which is Purina Indoor Cat Food. Any Suggestions?

Answer by Kate
Kittens are very susceptable to infection or injury during these early stages, especailly before their shots. The problem is how can you treat for something unknown, it could be posionibg, it could be a stomach bug, it could even be that she has been squashed somehow ehich has caused her some internal injury, there is no way of telling without the advice of a vet. All i can say is that she really does need to get to a vet as soon as possible, check to see if there are any animal charities in your area that can help with cost.

Comments for Kitty Scare

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Sick kitten
by: D

Maybe it is the Purina cat food, I know they were having issues with animals getting sick, the symptoms you described is what other animal owners were saying about there cat or dog, it really needs to go to the vet asap

Kitty scare
by: Anonymous

I agree, this kitten should have been taken to a vet. I got my cat Cowboy, when he was about that age, he had ben abandoned in my driveway. He did well for the first few days but then started showing the very same signs. I took him to the vet and he did bloodwork and started a regimin of antibiotics and I.V fluids. He kept him for a few days and we were able to take him home. He believed he had a bacterial infection. Cowboy was fine for a week and started to go down again. We took him to a more reputable vet this time. He was having difficulty breathing at this point. He took one look at him and after hearing what the last vet did and thought, told me my baby had feline distemper and he would likely die. It was mothers day and my world feel apart. He was my new baby. He kept him for a week and sent him home with a clean bill of health. Cowboy is now almost 5 years old and healthy and very happy. The point of my story is bills are very expensive,(I spent over $700) but this is the responabilty of a pet owner.

Sick Kitten
by: Anonymous

I didn't see this site until today, October 3. I hope the kitten is okay now, but I fear it didn't make it. I wish the person who wrote the question would follow up, telling what happened.

For anyone reading this who doesn't know, six weeks is too young for kittens to be taken from their mother. The only reason six week kittens should be without their mother is that something happened to the mother.

Why would anyone who can't afford to take a kitten to a vet get a kitten or any other animal? It is unfair to the animal. Kittens, starting at about six weeks--or whenever someone gets an unvaccinated kitten--need a series of shots and wormings and should be spayed or neutered by six months.

Cats--and kittens especially--can go over the cliff very quickly and die. From questions and comments I see, I suspect that many, many kittens and cats die from lack of support when they could have been saved if they had been helped in time. They become dehydrated very quickly and can die from that. If they don't eat for over three days, they are in danger of liver damage from heptic lipadosis and will die from that. Sick pets need antibiotics, hydration and food (force fed if necessary) very quickly. Frequently, vets will give antibiotics and not even mention the need to support the cat with hydration (perhaps under the skin) and food (perhaps force fed with a syringe).

Sometimes surgery is needed, and if not given soon enough, it won't save the pet. Decisions based on money delay care and kill pets. If you can't afford a vet, don't get a pet!

by: Anonymous

I have to bring to vet or its very possible the kitten can die, and you would feel terrible. Most vets will work with you...good luck for baby. I hope its nothing & some medicine will help.

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