Little Kitten

by Crystal Peckford
(Oshawa Ontario Canada)

My finance and I were given a little kitten. Thrilled we love cats and have a year old Tabby named Charlie. He is my pride and joy all shots are up to date etc. So upon reciving Hollister we noticed he was the smallest. Yet we thought hey the runt how cute. Only problem he was not the runt he was to young to be away from his mom. So we took the duty of caring for the cat. He seemed to get caught up fast and even at almost know seven weeks can use the litter box. However we noticed he has dirt around his eyes and he was sneezing. We figured oh he needs to be cleaned. To our horrer we feel he has the cat flu and his eyes are worse however he is eating and being a normal kitty running around.We are worried he will spread it to Charlie so we keep him happy and comfty in the bathroom with his own little bed (including a teddy he can lay on). However we know we cannot keep him. We have no clue on what we should do. The humane socitey has said take him back yet that is qute a drive and just leave him where we got him. However know that he has lost that smell his mom knows who knows what will happen. We are so upset yet we know this is for the best for Hollister and Charlie so he can not get sick. What do you suggest we do with people who have limit money and are affird of a vet bill that we cannot afford right now. Not that we would not go out of our way to keep Hollister yet we are affird and worried for Charlie. We just do not know what to do. Help us with a suggestion that is the best for Hollister, Charlie and us.


Answer by Kate
If your older cat has had all their shots then they should be protected against cat flu. A kitten is very susceptible to cat flue at an early age and so this is not unusual. Also older cats are able to fend off cat flu easier than a kitten, so if i were you i wouldn’t worry too much about your older c at.

As for the kitten they really should be taken to the vet for some treatment. why not phone the vets to see how much this sort of treatment will cost. you never know it may not be as bad as you think.
the kitten needs lots of fluids as dehydration can be fatal. keep him comfortable and warm (not too hot) and make sure he gets some cat milk or lots of water and food if he will eat. keep his eyes and nose area clean with a moist tissue. That is all you can do for him yourself. if your lucky and the flu is not too bad then he may be ok.
Best wishes kate

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Thank you
by: Crystal

Thank you that is great. We have been feeding him lots of Cat milk b/c that is all his little tummy can take. It is a releif to know Charlie will be able to fight it if he got it. Since he has started in the duty of being big brother and is trying to lick the eye.
Thank you have a great day
Crystal and Cory

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