Male cat problems

My male cat is always crying and is clawing a large stuffed animal and humping it. Why does he do this and how long will this last for?

He has been doing this for a few months. We think this is strange.

Answer by Kate
You haven't mentioned if your cat has been neutered or not. It sounds as if he is still intact and is venting his frustrations onto a toy.

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sent sac's
by: Anonymous

how serious is a ruptured sent sac and why is he vomiting now, why did the vet not close the wound?

Answer by Kate
Never come across this before but it doesn't sound good. I suppose it is only serious if it becomes infected. Regarding why he didn't close the wound up, i have started to hear from others that vets are not always closing wounds, again i think it is to allow natural healing and does not seal up any nasties inside.

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