male kitten won't leave his sister alone!!!
by Brett
(Camp Hill, PA, USA)
I have 2 kittens (1 male and 1 female) that are 7 months old. Just these past few days, the male cat seems to always follow his sister around. A lot of times, he will bite, swipe, claw, or do things just to annoy her it seems. For instance, she will hide under the coffee table and he'll corner her in and stare at her. When she walks off, he'll bite her on her back. Every time I see them, he is following her around. It's starting to get to the point that one of them is "crying" because of it. I first thought it was the female crying, but just noticed that the male will meow at her (sounding like a cry) as he's attacking her. We are getting them both fixed in about a week. Also, before this, they got along great and were constantly playing together. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!
Answer by Kate
Hi because of their age it sounds like he may have started to get interested in mating with her and that what looks like attcaks to us could be sexual approaches. I think that once they have both been neutered things will calm down again. Wait and see how they are togeather afterwards.