Manx cat throwing up...

by Stephanie
(Santa Fe, NM)

my manx Julius

my manx Julius

Hi have a male manx cat. He has been throwing up the past couple of years pretty consistent. At first it wasn't that often but in the last year or so he throws up almost everyday, he is starting to whine. We let him go out for grass and that sometimes helps. We know that they can have digestive problems. We have found one brand of food that he usually does good on but he is no longer doing good on it. Could it be a food allergy or something more?

Answer by Kate
well it is impossible to say for sure as there are so many different causes for cat vomiting. I don't like the fact that he has done it everyday for a couple of years.

It could be that he eats his food too quickly without chewing it properly and so causing vomiting. My old act used to do this, we changed her to dry food only and gave her smaller portions at a time this prevented her eating too much.

Also he may be a cat that gets hairballs

However because there could be so many different causes, see this page for more on this here

It may be an idea to have him checked by a vet in case he has some obstruction which causes him to vomit, or indeed he may have an allergy to something in the food etc.

best wishes Kate

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