meowing cat

My 18 year old female cat constantly meowing and about got me to my witt's end. She shows all the signs of hunger, but when fed she takes a few bites and walks away. Also she throws up alot. Wet catfood slowed it down a little but it still happened often. But the meowing has got to stop

answer by Kate
I'm sorry to say that this meowing could be done to her age. cats can suffer from a form of dementia and meowing is a symptom of that. (please seee my page about senior cats under cat care).

The other thing is it might be a good idea to have her checked by a vet in case there is something physically wrong which may be tied in with the throwing up. the vet will be able to tell you whether it is a medical condition or simply because of her age.

I also have a page here about cat excessive meowing under cat behavior which may be of interest. :)

Comments for meowing cat

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Your 18 year old gal
by: Suerose

She could have a blockage.You should bring her to your vet,they will give her something mild to clean her bowels just in case.Her age could also bring along dimentia.Yet if she vomits after eating,her body is telling you something that you should adhere to promptly.All the best.

meowing cat
by: Liz

hi guys I also have a 20 year old meowing cat she always wants food but I spoil her with a variety of nice foods like chicken and beef normally shuts her up and patting her head helps as she then looks shocked and stops. She is senile too don't know what she wants at times lol ,also a cuddle helps she seems to need more of them. She had blood test last month for tyroid but it was clear and so we're all her organs so leaving her be now. She's been fled and wormed too.

18 year old cat
by: Anonymous

I also have an 18 year old cat and she meows all the time. It sounds like she is in heat, but she is fixed. I don't know what to do either. She is a healthy cat except for the loud meowing. What to do? Help!

answer by Kate
Hi sounds to me lke t could be age related. Please see my web page about ld cats here

best wishes Kate

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