missing cat - a question that must be answerd quick

by miahelencerro
(bellmore,ny, 2662 janet avenue 11710)

my old cat, Indianna has resently ran away. She is very smart and is an out door cat. at my house she would leave and alaways come back. but when we moved to a new house the first time she didn't come back. so we panicked. but then she came back within a few days. She was probaly just exploring we thought. and this continued for several weeks until she she was gone for six weeks. WE are gonna try to put up sings incase someone took her, but then again shes extremly hard to catch. and she couldn't have got hit by a car she knows how they are able to kill her. She s very fast too.is there a chance shes still out there?

What do you think might have happend? please contact me soon. Thanks.

Answer by kate
of course it is possible that she is still out there. Cats are very good at looking after themselves and finding food.

However a million things could have happened especially if she is old. So it is impossible for me to say that she will come back. All i can say is if she can and she wants to then she will come home. Why wouldn't they?

I think it is a good idea to put posters up etc just in case someone else is looking after her.

Best wishes Kate


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