missing cat fur

by Jodi Hawn
(tampa, fl )

I have a kitten that is about a year old. she recently had a rodent ulcer and was given steriod pills for one month. that has since cleared up. however, now i noticed under her chin there are a couple patches of fur that are missing or lighter than normal. is this a side affect of coming off the pills? overgrooming? or me traveling alot lately?

thank you

Answer by Kate
possibly, possibly, possibly. Thats useful isn't it?
Steroids can cause loss of hair temporarily, also stress caused by changes in the home ie your travelling could cause your cat to feel stressed and over groom. then again it could be a completely separate skin condition. the problem with things like this is that it can be fairly difficult to diagnose if many things have happened all at once.
All i can suggest is to wait a week or so (only if there are no other symptoms or ill health) and if the fur continues to disappear then it may be worth erring on the side of caution and get it checked by the vet.

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