Missing cat
by Cayee
One of my cat's has been missing for 3 days. and my other cat, ariel, keeps meowing. what can i do to help ariel to feel better? i give her treats, attenchen, she is nice and comfterable, but she keeps meowing. what do i do?????
-caylee age 12
Answer by Kate
Caylee, the answer is simple really. Just be there for her and play with her to try and distract her from the fact that she is missing the other cat.
this behaviour is quite normal and will pass.
Play games with her and when you are not around make sure she has lots to keep her occupied to try and keep her mind of things. A great distraction toy you can make yourself is, putting some dry cat kibble into a cardboard toilet roll centre. tape up the ends and put a few holes in the sides so that your cat can roll it around to allow the kibble to fall out.
Hopefully your other cat will return soon any way, three days is not very long. put some food outside and something of theirs like a blanket etc, this will help them find their way home if they are nearby. I have a web page about what else you can do to try and find a lost cat here
best wishes Kate