Moe, my little kitten

by Kayla
(Sherwood Park,AB)

I have a kitten that's about 6 or 7 weeks old. In the past 4 days or so he as been very lethargic, while all his siblings are active and playful.

I've also noticed a stiffness in his hind legs. His left eye is oozing puss, and his meow became low and raspy. Does he have some sort of disease?

I isolated him from the rest of the kittens in case he is contagious, and I've been giving him warm milk and cat food. He also has access to water at all times. Also, my cats are all barn cats. None of them have ever been vaccinated, although I've always had healthy cats.

Unfortunately cat flu can attack kittens rather quickly. A few symptoms of cat flu are stiff joints and gooy eyes etc.

You are doing the right thing by keeping him separate from the others to try and stop spread. However don't give him normal cows milk as this can cause diarrhea. Plenty of water and kitten formula is required and hopefully you have caught it early enough to try and prevent any permanent damage. I have a page with more information about cat flu which you may find of further interest here

Of course the best course of action would be to take the little guy to see a vet to make sure of the diagnosis.

best wishes kate

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